14 June 2019 Remi Lin

7 Reasons Why Coworking Can Help You Grow Your Revenue

people having conversation coworking space

“Succeeding in business is all about making connections.” ~Richard Branson.

Growing your business entails networking with other people from diverse backgrounds. So, you need to be with those individuals who share the same vision with you. Coworking can help you grow your business in many ways. You may do it yourself, but it would take you longer than it has to be before you achieve it. Learning from others allows you to discover the best and fastest route.

Do you know that coworking can create a spillover of benefits? These will pile up as you learn how to maximize the opportunities found in there. Renting a coworking space will give you the chance to learn how to improve every aspect of your business. So, here are the reasons why coworking can be of great benefit to you.

7 Reasons Why Coworking Can Help You Grow Your Business

1. Cost-Effective

This is best for startups. Since startups don’t have yet a solid forecast on their business growth, renting a traditional office space is not practical. You might spend money on renovating your office that you’ll just be renting out for an unpredictable number of years. This involves a substantial investment of time and money. The cost of managing your own office space can add up over time. On the other hand, renting a coworking space gives you the flexibility you need to adapt to your business direction. Thus, you will be able to accomplish important things using limited resources. This in turn can help you generate more profit.

2. Productivity

Huffpost stated that 64% of workers in a coworking space are better able to accomplish tasks on time. It’s because being around people who want to achieve their individual business goals can motivate you to do the same. Imagine that you have a place that is more structured than your home office but is less controlled than a corporate office. A coworking space is an open atmosphere. This will give you a vibrant community to keep pushing towards reaching your goals. Being productive every day is like filling up your revenue tank as the month ends.

coworking productivity notebook

3. Amazing Amenities

Coworking spaces don’t just offer a desk area. They also provide a conference room if you need to conduct a business meeting. Aside from that, unlimited internet connection can help you work continuously on your projects. Other coworking spaces provide free snacks for your convenience. But most coworking spaces offer coffee flowing freely to perk you up in performing your tasks and keeping your business operations rolling. Your lively efforts will translate to generating sales.

Other amenities include, but is not limited to, printing equipment, event space, phone rooms, pantry, gym, and parking spaces. So, maximize your coworking membership by utilizing everything you need to carry out your tasks for the day.

4. Work-Life Balance

If you don’t prefer to rent an office space, working from home is your option. But it has its own downside as well. Your home is a place for you to relax and bond with your family. So, if you mix your personal and professional life in one place, your health will be compromised. In addition, you will find lots of distractions when working at home. To resolve this, you need to draw a line between your work life and home life. Renting a coworking space can help you have a work-life balance. Remember: A healthy lifestyle is your biggest asset for you to be able to build your material assets.

5. Collaboration

Being in a professional community will help you discover other people whom you can work with to revamp and upgrade your business performance. It is in making connections where a powerful collaboration can happen. Who knows? That person you need just sits on the other desk at a coworking space. Working from home will make you miss out on some opportunities for you to grow professionally. Coworking spaces consist of tenants from diverse professions and industries. This environment gives you the chance to gather relevant insights to level up your business or your freelance career. Working with another great mind will help you beef up your strategy in lead generation and sales conversion.

people talking in group coworking space

6. Mentorship

Whether it’s a formal or informal mentorship, have someone to guide you to make your journey less difficult. Otherwise, figure out everything and waste your precious time. Time is money. So, by shouldering everything while traversing your entrepreneurial path, you are spending significant time which you could have used to generate income. Someone else has already done what you want to do and has attained success. The failures they encountered are valuable to you. Either you should experience it yourself or you just need to learn from them to fast-track your progress. So, having a mentor can help you achieve your desired results fast.

7. Teaching

To create a ripple effect of success on others, you should have 3 types of people in your circle: Someone to guide you, someone to collaborate with you, and someone whom you can teach. The third type of people will test your leadership which is essential to every businessman. When you engage yourself with a learner, you see things from a fresh perspective. So, don’t underestimate someone who is just starting out in your field. Their viewpoint can help you come up with unique insights. Additionally, teaching someone will help you realize what you overlook. This will make you become better at what you do. Not only that they learn from you but you also recall your skills and ideas in detail. Therefore, you will be able to master your craft which will result in a continued business growth.

Truly, working in a coworking space can help you excel in your business or career which in turn can pay you huge dividends in the long run. Your output will increase a hundredfold once you learn how to optimize your system. This can happen if you know how to network with great minds found in your coworking space.

As you continue to hone your expertise, you will be prepared to face bigger responsibilities. Thus, an effective hiring strategy can help you build the team of high-caliber talents who will work with you and your business vision. But before you even get there, the benefits of working in a coworking space will enrich both your personal and professional life for you to get ready for the next level.

Discover Southeast Asia's Top Coworking Spaces


Tags: Coworking, industry insights, revenue

Remi Lin

Remi Lin is a Content Writer for Bossjob.ph, a professional job portal for the Philippines. She is also a freelance email and sales page copywriter. She's an introvert who loves milk tea and nature.

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