30 August 2019 Bintang Bagaskara

Interview with Generation X: Working in Flexible Workspace

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man reading newspaper  generation xPhoto by Sam Wheeler on Unsplash

Yes, you read that title right! Not Generation Y or better known as millennial, but Generation X. Considering the mass population of coworking spaces and other flexible office space options are within the younger age range, it seems that the more advanced players have chosen to see what is the trend all about. We here at FlySpaces had the opportunity to interview one of them, and here’s how it goes!

FlySpaces: I’ve heard that you have been working in a flexible office these days, which area is that and how long has it been?

Generation X: Yes, I have. It’s in Tangerang for now. I have to return to my office nearby, so this location makes it perfect for me. In this provider it’s only been like a month or two, but I actually used another one previously for about a year. 

Read also: How to Judge a Coworking Space in 5 Minutes

FS: So you still have an office in a different location?

GX: Yes, in Karawaci. I am actually without my team here, and when I work in this provider it is hot-desking style.

FS: That is very interesting. I’ve met and talked to several generation X in flexible workspaces before but most of them rented a private serviced office instead of hot-desking.

GX: Well it depends on what you would use the space for. I need to spend most of my time training in the training center down at my Karawaci office. This is why I don’t need a private office just yet, since I mainly use the meeting rooms and the open area. My need right now is to have a flexible space that allows me to do plug-and-play to work, and coworking serves that just fine.

FS: I see. Well since you need to be flexible, why coworking space is the choice? Isn’t a cafe, for example, the better choice then?

GX: Not really. With coworking space I get several benefits that a cafe would not dream to offer. The business address has been very helpful with my endeavors to get some samples from my clientele. I guess that’s what they call virtual office, right? I can use their meeting rooms when there is a need for meetings with more than just one person, and I can do it in peace. Plus, coworking spaces offers a sense of community and sometimes even holds events! I get to interact with others too. Moreover, since my location now is in a shopping mall, it is more informal for my trainees to come, so on and so forth. I just see myself being more productive here rather than some cafe. Besides, with this provider I can move around within their brand all over Jakarta. These benefits trumps cafe any day.

Read also: Debunking Misconceptions About Coworking Spaces

FS: Why did you choose this specific provider?

GX: To be quite honest, they popped up on the top when I googled the coworking spaces in this area. When I saw what they offer, it became more and more interesting. As I mentioned, I can use their brand anywhere in Indonesia. They even have locations outside Jakarta, which is very helpful. 

FS: And how is your experience so far using a flexible workspace, especially compared to traditional offices?

GX: My experience is that everyone likes to feel more free. It’s just that the classic times do not allow such freedom before. My opinion is that no matter what generation you are, millennials and gen xers, we would all enjoy working in a flexible workspace. The parent generation just got the taste a little bit behind, and I know they will enjoy it if they’re being more honest with themselves.

To be fair, I am a little bit not conventional myself with work environment. Since the beginning, I have created open shared office space in my office’s real estate for me and my team to be more relaxed rather than cubicles and other work space. This way it’s just more official, and I guess with era comes the much needed facilities. 

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FS: Aren’t you worried, though, that your team would feel unmotivated and lazy to work in such an environment?

GX: Depends on the field. My field, for example, is engineering design. With this field I don’t need them to all be strict and rigid with their space. In fact, with the whole flexibility and free settings, I feel more inspired and less stuck with my designs. Plus, bottom up communication is easier this way, since everyone is located together. This brings my team with me closer than ever. But really, most jobs will benefit from working with a more free setting like this. 

FS: Have you ever recommended or will recommend working in flexible workspaces, then?

GX: Of course, and I have done it several times. I worked with professors from different universities in the past, and from time to time I met with them with coworking spaces. As a result, they see it as highly effective and now currently building a similar setting in their campus sites. Several startups founders have also fallen to my suggestions as well and have chosen coworking as an option.

Sadly, on the corporate level it’s still pretty hard to influence. Some that worked outside the country understood the concept already, but the majority has not seen the benefits just yet. I think it’s just a matter of time and patience, really. Not to mention, cost reduction is what every business would want, and these options charge a fraction of the cost. Sooner or later they will see that coworking spaces will aid them towards more success in this era. 

Discover your perfect workspace in Jakarta to get your business off the ground

Well, what do you know! Even Generation X are enjoying and recognizing the benefit to be working at a flexible workspace. Not convinced yet that they will increase productivity for your company? Ask our Space Expert in your area to show you around one of our partner’s locations. Be prepared to get your socks blown away!

Editor's note: the interviewee wished for anonymity, hence the lack of name and profile of the person.

Tags: Southeast Asia, Coworking Space, industry insights, Flexible Office Space, Generation X

Bintang Bagaskara

Bintang is a randomly-creative kind of content writer. His interests include trying out trendy restaurants and bars, binging Netflix, going to martial arts classes, and trying new things that he never experienced before.

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