7 October 2019 Bintang Bagaskara

Simple Tips on Managing Unexpected Circumstances in Jakarta

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traffic sign in water unexpected circumstancePhoto by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Unexpected things occur all the time. It could be a simple quick-fix tech issue but, it could also be something out of your control. Let's take the current riots in Jakarta as an example. It's in these instances that you have to be prepared in order to keep your team and yourself safe, but also ensure the business survives as well. This is where a business continuity plan is integral - one that takes into account your equipment, facilities, data, and communication with your employees and your customers.

We've previously gone into more detail about what a business continuity plan is and the steps you can take to start implementing one for your business. In this post, we'll go over some of the other steps you can take to ensure when a disaster - man-made or natural - occurs, you have safeguards in place to mitigate the damages. 

1. Implement Collaboration Software

Aside from the obvious increase in productivity, collaborative software makes it easy for companies to be more mobile than ever. Take Google Suite for example; you can chat, have meetings, and even store important documents on a cloud system for everyone to access. These tools that you can invest in will increase collaboration within your company when everybody is separated by time or distance. 

jakarta business continuity plan flyspaces passport

2. Prepare a Safe-Zone

This tip applies more heavily if you have fulfilment or production centers that need to be looked after. There is obviously ramification of moving your heavy machines, storage, staff, and many more. However, should force major occur, having a second area to still be more productive might not be the worse thing. Set and inform your team which items are crucial and need to be saved during these events and have a designated route to your safe-zone area for your business.

3. Set Work-From-Home Schedules

Sometimes, there is just no way for your team to get to your usual workplace. They might live outside the city and their usual commute is disrupted by damages, riots, or infrastructure breakdowns. In this case, rather than dismissing them for the day, set a work-from-home schedule until it is safe for them, and also yourself, to come back to work. Nowadays, many jobs in the market can be done remotely due to the developments in technology and utilization of cloud software. So encourage them to still be productive even not sitting in their usual work desk. 

Read also: Achieve Ultimate Workplace Flexibility in Jakarta

4. Stay Calm and Alert

It might be common sense but a lot of people still forget about the importance of keeping calm. When an unfortunate event occurs, it is best for us to be productive about it rather than focus on the anxiety. Refrain yourself to fall for fear-mongering tactics during these times and only post and spread information that is crucial for people to know, such as current conditions, links to credible news outlets, or even helpful blog posts.

5. Have Flexible Access to Workspaces

When it comes to workspace, it would be ideal if you can fold it up and put it in your pocket to work just about anywhere. Well, services like Passport let you do just that, and it is especially helpful with crisis situations where access to certain place might be blocked. Passport will allow you to work from a carefully selected list of the top flexible workspaces in Jakarta so you and your team don’t have to worry about the dangerous commute to work. 

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Let’s all remember that when a disaster does occur, it is outside of our control and the best thing to do is to keep calm and carry on. With this list, I hope we all can stay safe and still continue to work productively. Remember this wise saying, "This too shall pass."


Tags: Jakarta, Southeast Asia, Passport, industry insights, disaster preparedness, riot

Bintang Bagaskara

Bintang is a randomly-creative kind of content writer. His interests include trying out trendy restaurants and bars, binging Netflix, going to martial arts classes, and trying new things that he never experienced before.

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