8 January 2021 Suvi Hoikka

COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Business Resource Center

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Emergency Hotline Numbers:

Philippines: DOH COVID-19 Hotline: (02) 894-COVID - (02) 894-26843 (Open to all callers nationwide)

Malaysia: National Operations Management Centre: 03-88882010

Singapore: Ministry of Health General Hotline: 6325 9220

Indonesia: COVID-19 Information Hotline: +62-21-5210411 and +62-82-1212119

Hong Kong: Centre for Health Protection Hotline: 2125 1122 (8 am to 12 midnight)

This post will be regularly updated on an ongoing basis.

Today we find ourselves in a world where social distancing is becoming the norm; where positive cases continue to rise but hopefully at a slower rate as government regulations aim to flatten the curve. China,  who was the first to feel the impact of COVID-19 implemented new policies and mandated work-from-home procedures and as of March 19 2020, they have for the first time reported no new cases since the start of the outbreak. This is a positive sign in a global crisis that has affected nearly all of our daily lives. 

However, each day there are new announcements and new regulations regarding the coronavirus that are put in place and it can get overwhelming. Particularly on social media where strong opinions and criticisms of new policies can overpower the facts. In light of this, we will be regularly updating this blog post to keep you updated on the latest developments and how they may impact your business. We are in constant contact with businesses across Southeast Asia to get the latest updates on the current situation, however, we do encourage you to also trust your local government and follow any regulations they have put in place. 

Rethinking the Workspace

An issue many companies are facing right now is how to maintain their business without putting their employees at risk. A few countries in Southeast Asia, such as The Philippines and Malaysia, have already placed their capital cities under enhanced community quarantine and ordered private companies to implement flexible work schedules. This has resulted in a regional shift to employees working from home in order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus.

For many this is uncharted territory, particularly in terms of how long they are required to work from home. Most of us have done this once or twice before but to do so for weeks on end means new procedures need to be put in place so you can maintain productivity, accountability, as well as work-life balance (in other words, knowing when it's okay to stop working).

Remote Work and COVID-19 Resources:

      1. Key Components to Running a Successful Remote Business
      2. Remote Working: Doing it the Right Way
      3. 6 Tips to Stay Productive While Working Remote
      4. How Business Can Survive Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
      5. Workplace Health and Business Continuity Planning
      6. COVID-19 News: Minimize Disruption to Your Business
      7. How to Support Your Community Through COVID-19
      8. How Flexible Workspace Operators can Support their Communities through the COVID-19 Pandemic
      9. Cushman & Wakefield: COVID-19 Global Updates
      10. 6 Tips from Google for Better Video Calls
      11. Google's Distributed Work Playbook
      12. Find a Safe and Affordable Short-Term Workspace in Singapore
      13. The Suddenly Remote Playbook
      14. VIDEO: Commercial Space Industry Calibrates Business Model Amidst Pandemic
      15. COVID-19 vs Coworking By the Numbers: FREE REPORT
      16. The Remote Work Revolution: Post COVID-19 Plans of 60+ Companies
      17. Phase 2 of Reopening in Singapore: Guide for Businesses
      18. Why Companies Should Look to Flexible Workspaces in Kuala Lumpur Post-MCO
      19. Why Work-From-Home Shouldn't Be Your New Normal
      20. This is What Offices Will Look Like When They Reopen
      21. Workplace Mobility Strategy Post COVID-19: Safe Re-Entry Solutions
      22. New Office Space Trends in Light of COVID-19
      23. Why Your Company Needs an On-Demand Office Space
      24. Can Lease Surrenders Save Your Business Money?
      25. A Guide to Returning to the Workplace in the New Normal
      26. Why Businesses Choose Singapore as their Regional HQ
      27. How to Stay Safe When Traveling for Work During a Pandemic
      28. How to Plan a Virtual Office Party: Christmas in the Time of COVID-19

Flexible Workspace Solutions

Working from home may not always be the best solution for your business or for your productivity: whether it's children running around the house, chores waiting to be done, or you simply don't have space in your home to work effectively. If you are not under community quarantine or a lockdown, and still feel safe going to work, coworking spaces are a great alternative to your usual office space.

Coworking spaces, workspaces that you share with other individuals and members, offer cost-effective and flexible memberships so you can temporarily set up shop without a long-term commitment. In order to ensure they are safe to use during this time, we have been in constant contact with our Space Partners around the region to get updates on how they are putting in place precautionary measures against the spread of COVID-19. Some of the measures that have been put in place include temperature screening, increased sanitization and cleaning of common areas, encouraging members to bring their own utensils, etc.

For those navigating their workspace strategy and are looking for more flexible solutions to allow their teams to work closer to home, we can help provide customizable and cost-effective plans so you can provide safe and secure workspaces for your team. This can help them access spaces closer to their homes so they can avoid long commutes yet still have access to secure infrastructure and the right environment to sustain their productivity. 

If you would like to discuss the options available to you, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Space Experts at info@flyspaces.com.

Last updated: January 8 2021


Tags: industry news, flexible workspaces, industry insights, COVID19

Suvi Hoikka

Suvi Hoikka is Digital Marketing Manager at FlySpaces, an online marketplace for office space. She writes about anything and everything revolving around the workspace industry. Whether it’s the coolest rooftop event spaces in Jakarta or latest trends in office space diversity, her works continue to open relevant discussions on various workspace topics around the web.

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